I just decided, to switch a language, because there are more of you who can't speak Czech, than those who can't read it in English... Hurray! :)
So what have I done in last days? I finally started doing my job in ICAT.
And started getting to know my colleagues and, and other new people.. There is something like 50 employees in the company - most of them teach, than there is a lot of marketing staff (like I am) :) As I already mentioned every day I go everyday to job by Angkot (local public transportation) I really love this - it stops whenever you wave, goes maybe every minute and is amazingly cheep (my trip costs $0,2). From work I have always (till now) gone with my colleague Heni on motorbike - I ride it in this random traffic (no speed limits, no defined rights of way at crossroads or cars respecting the lanes). But don't worry - even some 10 years (or I don't know) old kids ride these here. :-D
As mentioned I am doing international marketing - currently mostly learning about the product (Bachelor educational programs) and do what is need - I have held 2 classes to students or just today went to present ICAT to one high school with the rest of marketing team (bellow)..
And finally as I promised last time - how do local people see us Europeans? :)
If there is a white guy who is quite tall (is called "bule" - they consider us as kind of superstars. :) It so often happens, that you just or are somewhere and young girls around start calling you, yelling, being ashamed and hiding and so on.. It's fun.
Anyway generally everyone behaves really well and to "bule" people even twice - nothing to complain. :-D
ps: I am still waiting for the picture with celebrity, so I'll post it next time.. ;)
Take care and enjoy your climate here is some 27 Degrees. ;)
ps: some more Bundung pictures (I'd post some with the omnipresent mess too, but they don't look as good as others. :) )
9 komentářů:
WELCOME To Indonesia, on behalf MC Indonesia!
Enjoy your time here...and i belive u will definitely get new experience everyday!
it's cool your posting in English,, ;)
looks just cool:-) acording to the pics and stories:-)
keep it up, nice blog
maj sa
Ahoj kamarade,
no zni to ze se mas super. A co indonestina? uz z ni neco umis nebo se da domluvit vsude anglicky?
Ja v pondeli zacinam s rekonstrukci, tak doufam, ze se za 14 dni budu mit cim pochlubit a poslu ti nejakou fotku ;-)
Mej se a uzivej si to tam
Hi man,
tak koukam jako blazen. docela exotika. jsem rad ze se ti dari. uzivej jak to jde, budu se tesit na novinky. ty popularity bys mel vyuzit:-)
cus, petr
Voy a escribir en español para que no se te olvide!!!Que bueno que estés en Indonesia, supongo que para un europeo como tu debe ser todo un mundo nuevo! Pues disfruta tu estadía por allá, aprende lo que más puedas de la cultura, el eidioma, come cosas raras y pórtate bien mal!!!!
Ivan Moreno
Nazdarek! Koukam, ze se ti tam zatim nedari spatne:) Aklimatizace, ok? Uz byly nejaky parby? Dej vedet. H.
HEy sexyboy. I should not but I envy you. It seems that you are having a amazing time! Enjoy it to the end!
I know exactly how you feel with this newly gained popularity. It was exactly the same i Japan and I have to admit I liked it :))))
Cant wait fore more pics!
Nazdar Matysku!
Tak cekame na dalsi prispevky... sup, sup, sem s nimi :-)
NO konecneeeeeeeee, ze si sa tam nestratil clovece! :D...a uzivaj si, ze si beloch, ked to je tak, ako v Indii, tak tam musis byt boh! Ani Nina sa nechce kvoli tomu vratit z Ciny, ze jej kazdy den hovoria, ze ma krasne velke oci :D...no, takze hlavne si to tam uzivaj a davaj na seba pozor ;)...
Evca (este stale z Nemecka 8-)